Thomas K. Baldwin
I’m a data scientist, optical physicist, and science educator.
For an overview of my background, see my CV.
- Snotelier, a tool for evaluating avalanche danger in the Cascades
- autovega, a Jupyter widget for making Vega charts quickly
- a basis for interactive SQL practice using Postgres and Binder
- higdon, a script to put race training plans on your calendar
- visualizing my quest for a 4-hour marathon with the Strava API
- understanding hard drive failure rates with survival analysis
- clans, a command-line client to the GrinnellPlans social network
- wanglib, a set of instrument-control utilities for the Wang Lab
- my Normconf talk about Python packaging
- teaching electricity and magnetism with bicycles and smoothies
- informal workshops on version control for scientists
I share photos at my website, flitterbick.net. I also post to Instagram.